Location: |
35º 45' N, 139º 30' E |
Population: |
127,417,200 |
Area: |
(land) 144,689 sq miles (374,744 sq km)
(water) 1,194 sq miles (3,091
sq km)
(TOTAL) 145,883 sq miles
(377,835 sq km) |
Climate: |
Terrain: |
rugged mountains run through the heart of
Japan, punctuated by steep tree-lined slopes, and deep valleys on the
Pacific Ocean side, and lowers hills and mountains along the Sea of
Japan side.
A small series of plains are situated along the coastal areas. A notable
number of (very short) rivers flow briskly down the mountains into the
coastal areas. |
Elevation: |
Highest Point, Mt Fuji -
12,388 ft. (3,776m)
Lowest Point (-13 ft.) (-4 m) |